
What to do, what to do?

I could sit here a comment on government programs all day if that's what I wanted. And I will continue to list agencies and make comments, but what about options? What directions could be taken to help reduce or eliminate government interference and control? Do we all of a sudden all quit our jobs and go on the government dole or do we take up arms and storm the capitals? Each is the extreme, but we must go in some direction or another. Waiting for our representatives at local, state and federal levels to solve our problems is what got us in the fix we are in today.

It's said that when you're entering into a contract with someone you want to be the one who writes the contract. When you write the contract you set the terms. You define the words.

Our representatives farm out the contract (the bills) writing to people that are not elected by us. NGOs, nongovernmental organizations, people with their own agendas, write the bills that get presented to congress or our state legislators. Be it Cap and Trade or Health Care or Gun Control or a Value Added Tax, NGOs define the terms that we'll have to live with when congress passes a bill that is eventually signed by the President.

I guess the basic question is: Do we have to live by the law (contract)?

We used to be a country guided by laws. Now we are a country CONTROLLED by laws.

If we don't live by the rule of law then what? We live by the rule of man, anarchy. From moment to moment we don't know the definition of law because one moment George is in charge and has the guns and the next moment Barack is in charge and has the guns.

Remember when we "elect" a president we are saying: "We authorize you to use whatever force is necessary to achieve your goals". Hopefully those goals are the same as ours.

We can stand against those guns. It's been done before and can be done again. But, we have to be willing to think in terms of the future.

We must stop living in the past. We can learn from the past, but, don't dwell on it. Bury the dead and leave them buried. We have to live in the present, but, we must plan for the future. The future comes upon us quickly. Don't drive the car with your eyes closed, which is what we've been doing for a very long time. Sooner or later that disaster will happen. Plan, plan, plan. What are you going to do tomorrow? What are you going to do next week? How about next month, next year, ten years from now? The more we plan the easier it gets.

Every penny counts. I'm being literal. Save every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar. Don't ever spend the change or the dollar bills. Put them in a jar or a can at least for a little while. While you're saving investigate. Look for the best use of the money your saving. The future is coming, plan for it.

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