
How about this.

Are you healthy?
Do you prefer not to go to the doctors office when you're not feeling 100%?
Would you rather buy a bottle of aspirin or ibuprofen and spend the day at work or ,if really feeling sick, in bed than spend $100.00 for the doctor and $50.00 for the prescription?

I don't blame you. I have to be hog tied, shackled and dragged to see a witch doctor or spend time with the "sick" people at the hospital.
IMO doctors in the practice of medicine and I don't want them practicing on me.

Personally I believe that the AMA and AARP are in cahoots with the lawyers and the politicians. I think they regulated and legislated us into our current predicament. States that require you and I buy only "approved" insurance need a change of view. Insurance mandates making me pay for your pregnancy or weight reduction or prescriptions or any number of other maladies that I can control or will never have need of force increased prices on virtually everything.

Get out of my pocket! If I want insurance I want insurance for only what I deem is necessary. An insurance policy with a deductible that I negotiate with whatever insurance company that I choose. If I like an insurance company 3000 miles away that will sell me a policy with a $5000 major medical coverage deductible then so be it. The only reason government exists is to make sure that no fraud is involved and then only to react. That puts the onus on me. I have to investigate to make sure I'm getting what I am contracting for.

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