
SHTF time.

Ok, folks. I hate to say it, but I believe the Sh** has Hit the Fan.

I believe that we don't see it because our eyes are coated with it and it just hasn't started to smell yet.

Unemployment is at 10% and after the seasonal hiring for Christmas comes to an end will go up even faster. Banks are failing at an ever faster pace. One story I listened to sees more than a thousand+ closing next year. Japan just revised their third quarter numbers down tremendously. China and India are stockpiling huge amounts of Gold boullion. I've read news stories of gold and silver being bought and delivered. Not just paper gold, hold in your hand gold. European banks are being warned to prepare for a coming disaster. Cap and Trade is coming to this country whether we like it or not. Health Care is not on the ropes as some might think. It's just a matter of how large the initial program will be. Once passed it will only grow. Another tax and spend program is being considered and will probably pass. That means we'll get to pay even higher taxes. Interest rates are going to go up next year. The old adage that you can only get a loan if you don't need it will be the rule not the exception.

http://eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=8516 (I am not familiar with this guy, but he is worth investigating.

How many government programs are broke: FDIC, FANNIE MAE and FREDDI MAC, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, SOCIAL SECURITY and probably many more that I don't know or can't think of. Probably your underwater with your car payment and your house payment (you owe more than it's worth). Foreclosures are at an all time high and still going. Business closures are increasing.

An old story that shouldn't be forgotten is the stationing of more than 20,000 troops on our soil for civilian control. I just read a report yesterday developed for the military on the creation of a "Special Police Force for the U.S." http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG819.pdf
Just reading the conclusion you will see that this force is being contemplated for deployment in the United States. It will only cost around $650 million for a force of 6000. Peanuts, spare change in our multi trillion dollar debt.

Don't forget that the original depression didn't start when the stock market collapsed. It started about three years later.

Come next year the Sh** is really going to start to stink.

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